现在预订:H9045-FB7@accor.com(邮箱) /+95 94 44 08 8884(电话)
*集齐4 张奖券后咖啡免费 & 集齐11张奖券后咖啡甜点免费
早上7:00到晚上22:00供应 @美食吧 – 诺富特仰光麦克斯酒店1楼
自助晚餐(每周特别奉上不同国家的流行美食) 每人收取29美元,软饮料和冷藏果汁无限量续杯 12岁以下儿童收取半价 每周三, 下午18:00 到晚上22:30 现在预订:H9045-FB3@accor.com(邮箱)/+95 94 44 08 8881(电话)
发现We will, we will, WOK YOU! Grilling means good times, good friends, and great food. Who will not want al[...]
发现Buffets are not just about eating our favorite food, it's also about getting our money's worth - and so many of u[...]